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As our understanding of the human brain improves, so does our ability to classify cognitive and behavioral disorders. When it comes to sex, however, defining which behaviors are pathological remains an area of ongoing debate. “Sex addiction” is often used as a broad descriptor for compulsive, out-of-control sexual activity. While it is not a formally recognized disorder, related criteria and classifications have emerged, most notably compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD), which was added to the World Health Organization’s International Classifications of Diseases in 2022. Although sex addiction can affect anyone, it affects men two to five times as often as women. As with many addictions and compulsive behaviors, sex addiction has been linked to several negative consequences, such as depression, anxiety, suicidality, psychological distress, and lower life satisfaction.
Amanda Giordano, an associate professor of counselling at the University of Georgia, recently published a study that assessed whether childhood trauma is a significant predictor of sex addiction later in life. In the study, Giordano and her colleagues define childhood trauma as “generally physiological and psychological responses to disturbing experiences” that occur in childhood. They surveyed 149 men over the age of eighteen, using nationally recognized questionnaires that provided the researchers with data on the types of childhood trauma experienced and how at-risk the subjects were for sex addiction.
The researchers found a positive correlation between childhood trauma and sex addiction, which matched their initial predictions. They were also able to find a strong link between childhood trauma and emotional regulation issues alongside anxious attachment issues. However, since all the data was anonymously self-reported, this link could be further substantiated through additional research. Furthermore, future studies are required to examine additional factors that may contribute to the variation between those who screened positive for sex addiction and those who did not.