Can’t Sleep? Neither do Flies
Ask ten students how much they sleep and you’ll end up with ten different answers. Although it’s generally accepted that eight hours a night is
Ask ten students how much they sleep and you’ll end up with ten different answers. Although it’s generally accepted that eight hours a night is
Where do you see the world in 2030? The progress of the world is inextricably tied with the progress of scientific innovations. Scientists improve the
Science and innovation surround every part of our lives. From the production of the food you eat to the creation of better phone batteries, innovative design
Tracing a 65 million year history of the Earth is no easy task, but researchers at the University of Quebec have found a new method. By taking a tango through time, they created a new tool for modeling our past Earth, and have used it to discover a second hotspot origin for the Deccan traps.
Emelia McLaughlin is a high school student interested in engineering and leadership.
Sasha Thomas is a high school student challenging herself through research and biology competitions.
A series of dazzling crystals and minerals are now on display in the David Friend Hall of the Peabody Museum. The display sets a high standard for natural history museums around the world.
Can vibrating membranes reveal fundamental truths? An extension of the adiabatic theorem may lead to improved control of systems.
China has launched the world’s first quantum satellite, which promises to probe new aspects of mysterious quantum communications. But as the technology can potentially create a spy-proof communications network, the entire world is eagerly watching the results.
Quantum technologies could unlock entirely new ways to view the world — but only if scientists can create stable methods of manipulating qubits. Researchers from the Yale Quantum Institute have integrated classical and quantum technologies to create scalable quantum information chips, heralding a paradigm shift for the field.