Article: Braving the Cold
A genetic adaptation makes certain squirrels and hamsters immune to the cold You step outside of your building, bundled up in four different layers and
A genetic adaptation makes certain squirrels and hamsters immune to the cold You step outside of your building, bundled up in four different layers and
A long time ago, in galaxies far, far away, stars were churned out at unprecedented rates: over 100 solar masses were produced annually. These luminous,
The HAYSTAC dark matter detection device probes the universe for radio waves that would confirm the existence of axions, a particle that could account for 80% of the mass in our universe.
In Black Hole Blues, Janna Levin, eminent astrophysicist, describes the decades-long project to detect gravitational waves and prove Einstein’s theories of general relativity.
Yale Senior Devin Cody stands at the forefront of scientific research, studying radio telescopes at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, rockets with SpaceX, and quantum computers with the Yale Quantum Institute.