What Makes Us Generous? The Neuroscientist’s Take
Neuroscientists, curious about what generosity looks like in the brain, tell a story of how emotional processing and mirror neurons might encourage social behavior.
Neuroscientists, curious about what generosity looks like in the brain, tell a story of how emotional processing and mirror neurons might encourage social behavior.
Science can be intimidating. It is fast-paced and unyielding. We are only human. It’s natural to feel vulnerable to science when it takes the form
Here at the Yale Scientific Magazine, we write about science because it inspires us. Some of the biggest responsibilities in science fall to our smallest
Earlier this year, a photo of a Roman Originals dress was posted on Tumblr. Some looked at the picture and saw a garment of white
Science doesn’t like to stand still. Every month, every week, every day, researchers find ways to advance knowledge. More often than not, a new development
Emiko Paul came to Yale determined to go to medical school, but graduated wanting to be an artist. She has managed to bring together biology and art, and is now an accomplished medical illustrator running her own company, Echo Medical Media.
Only in the past decade have scientists begun exploring the rich underwater world of marine viruses, but they are quickly realizing how diverse and abundant these saltwater microbes really are. Recent findings show that ocean ecosystems are dependent on viruses, while optimistic experts are considering the possibility of using viruses to solve agricultural problems and to treat human diseases.
Humans might be superior animals when it comes to matters of intelligence or communication, but one thing we will never be able to do is fly like birds. Mathematical calculations show why our species is destined to be forever land-bound.
In a time when science ingenuity is needed most, science’s popularity is dwindling.
Despite these hostile conditions, scientists have discovered that certain species of bacteria live and thrive within the depths of Lake Vida.