
Shirlee Wohl

The Economics of Self Control

Jody Sindelar has combined field studies and analysis of existing databases to study the relationship between self-control, tobacco use, and the implications of proposed tobacco taxation policies on individual behaviors.

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Peter Dervan, GRD ‘72

One of the founders of chemical biology, Dervan is the recipient of countless noteworthy awards and honors, including the prestigious National Medal of Science in 2006 for his contributions to organic chemistry.

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The Experience of Eating

To elucidate the role of the brain in the experience of eating, members of the John B. Pierce Laboratory at the Yale School of Medicine are using the latest neuroimaging techniques to scan the brain for clues on what makes food taste good and why we eat it.

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A New Look at Playing Pretend

A recent study by Professor of Psychology Paul Bloom and graduate student Deena Skolnick Weisberg found that young children draw distinctions in their imaginary worlds.

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