Solid Evidence for Liquid Water on Dione
Data gathered by NASA’s Cassini mission suggests that liquid water is present on Saturn’s Dione, researchers reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters in October 2016.
Data gathered by NASA’s Cassini mission suggests that liquid water is present on Saturn’s Dione, researchers reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters in October 2016.
There is new evidence that suggests that physicians may not be the completely objective people we would like them to be. Yale researchers determined that physician’s political beliefs affects the treatments they prescribe to patients, particularly when faced with politically salient issues.
Research into fruit fly growth hormones has yielded a new understanding of hormonal interactions that could be useful in fighting the growth of cancers in humans.
Patients with atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, have a unique skin microbiome. Knowing more about the relationship between the microbiome and skin conditions like eczema could result in novel, targeted therapies.